APRIL 2003

From the Editor's Desk
A plea to the world: Help us stop Bush and his lying, warmongering crazies before it is too late!
Okay, people of the world, you all have your own problems to deal with, but are those greater than the global conflagration that George W. Bush is about to set off?

We, the sane people of the US, are doing all within our power to stop the mad mob that has seized our government from criminally attacking Iraq, which will kill not only innocent Iraqis, along with our troops and the troops of any other countries foolish enough to join in Bush's insanity, but will open us all to retaliation from those who see this not just as an oil and power grab, but as a religious crusade against Islam.

The American people, thanks to the five justices on our Supreme Court who installed Bush in the White House, no longer control or have a voice in our government. Our Congress for a litany of reasons is out to lunch. Our constitutionally guaranteed freedom of the press has vaporized in the hands of the corporations who now own it.

The corporate media spread and repeat, ad nauseum, the administration's lies. They tell the people only what the administration wants them to hear, see, read. Those of us with access to the Internet have turned to the international press for the truth about what is going on in the world.

Our constitutionally guaranteed freedom of speech is fast disappearing. People are now being arrested for speaking out for peace, as happened to a New York lawyer who was arrested in a shopping mall for wearing a T-shirt that said, "Give Peace a Chance."

Our constitutionally guaranteed right to peaceably assemble now exists at the whim of the authorities from whom we must get permits to gather. Ever since the coup that was blessed by the Felonious Five on the Supreme Court, opponents to this unelected president are herded into "First Amendment Zones" far from where he may see or hear them.

Dissidents are now not only labeled "un-American," "unpatriotic," "commies" and, in the case of Hollywood celebrities who are speaking out,"dupes," but "traitors" who, in the view of some, should be tried for treason under the Sedition Act of 1918.

Investigative reporter Seymour Hersh, who broke the news about the My Lai massacre, has been accused by archconservative Richard Perle, who thwarted Bill Clinton's last opportunity at attempting to broker peace between the Israelis and Palestinians and who now serves as chairman of the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board, of being the "closest thing American journalism has to a terrorist."

No, Americans are not blameless for the mess they find themselves in, whether they let it happen through arrogance, brainwashing or apathy. However, what George W. and his minions are planning to do will not have only grave consequences for us, but for the whole world.

If we cannot get the courts to stop Bush's war or Congress to impeach, convict and remove him and his administration from power, then the world must let him know that he will be declared a war criminal if he attacks Iraq.

No rational person believes Saddam Hussein is a good guy. Then what dictator is? And the worst dictator of all is the one who now occupies the White House. Saddam is no imminent threat to any nation, but George W. Bush is a threat to the whole world
Bev Conover©, Editor,